Sunday, October 25, 2009

Swine Flu emergency

Yesterday President Obama declared a national emergency regarding swine flu and I think it is good idea to have this kind of public health emergency now.

But does that public health emergency mean that President Obama will declare martial law in our country ??? I hope not ! I am against martial law !

Sooner we find a permanent cure for swine flu , we would be better off which save more lives. I suggest that Federal Health and Human Services to use supercomputers in their effort to cure swine flu and seasonal flu.

Take care of yourself .

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Deaf Olympic games

Since Chicago failed to win the right to host the 2016 summer olympic games , so I think that Chicago should try to host the Deaf Olympic games soon as 2016 . Why not ? Special Olympic games do not count!

But I never see Deaf Olympic games on TV , why ? Does TV networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX know that we have Deaf Olympic games ???

Please keep the Spirit of Olympic games alive.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Follow up on 2016 Summer Olympic games decision

Yesterday afternoon I found out that IOC granted Rio de Janeiro known as Rio the right to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games , how sad for us Americans ! I hoped that Chicago would host that 2016 Games . Oh well, I hope that Chicago would try again to bid for the hosting of the 2020 Summer Games . You --Chicago can do , think positive.

You fellow Summer Olympic fans ,
take care of yourself.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2016 Summer Olympics game host city bids

I understand that The IOC will make the final decision about which city will host the 2016 Games , and I hope that Chicago will host that 2016 Summer games which would benefit Chicago and the rest of the state of Illinois economically , that is for sure! I was born and raised in Illinois outside of Chicago metro area.

But I have been living in Arizona for 16 years now. Some of my deaf friends from ISD and PHI/NIU live in Chicago area . If Chicago can host that 2016 Games , I am sure my deaf friends in Chicago area would be so happy!