Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good bye 2009 and hello 2010

Thank God 2009 is gone and I hope that 2010 will be much better year to our country USA. Let's pray that our economy will be more stronger in 2010.

Have a successful and happy new year 2010 !

Take care!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hello I loves Facebook ! I have been on Facebook for almost 2 months and I loves it. I hope that more and more deaf people around the world will join Facebook soon. I believe that Facebook is one of the best ways to unite all deaf communities around the world into the deaf global village to defend our rights and freedoms.

I strongly recommend every deaf/ hard of hearing adult in the world to join Facebook sooner the better for us deaf communities !

Take care ,

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Deaf event in Phoenix area

Yesterday (November 14, Saturday 2009) there was a deaf-related event called ," Deaf Encouragement Arizona Fellowship (D.E.A.F.) which is a some sort of social thing for deaf/HoH christians who are members of various churches such as Lutheran, United Methodist, Assemblies of God , Roman Catholic , and other churches across Arizona. Most of the time D.E.A.F. does its meeting in Greater Phoenix area. Its meeting occur every 3 months or 6 months at different host churches.

Yesterday D.E.A.F. was held at St. Matthew United Methodist church ( my home church ) 2540 W. Baseline Road in Mesa , Arizona ( Between Dobson Road & Loop 101 freeway) . The meeting was about the slide show presentation of the August 2009 Global Gathering of Deaf Methodists in Seoul, South Korea.

But a strange thing at D.E.A.F. yesterday was : a young hearing woman who is learning to sign ASL and her name is Raina , she was born and raised in Egypt , a foreign nation in the Middle East. Why strange thing about her ??? Her birthplace Egypt is mostly muslim nation , so she is most likely a moslem (follower of Islam) .

Raina attended to that D.E.A.F. event yesterday which is supposed to be a deaf christian social/religious event ! I was shocked about her fact that she was born and raised in an anti-christian nation --Egypt !

D.E.A.F. meets at Lighthouse church in Peoria, Arizona west of Phoenix in May 2010 next year.

Take care and God bless you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 and deaf people

Hello , is an online video service that provide free online TV shows and movies. It claim to have closed captioned TV shows & movies .

Earlier this month I started using and what do you think about that ??? Is it popular with deaf people ?????


Paul Spears

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Swine Flu emergency

Yesterday President Obama declared a national emergency regarding swine flu and I think it is good idea to have this kind of public health emergency now.

But does that public health emergency mean that President Obama will declare martial law in our country ??? I hope not ! I am against martial law !

Sooner we find a permanent cure for swine flu , we would be better off which save more lives. I suggest that Federal Health and Human Services to use supercomputers in their effort to cure swine flu and seasonal flu.

Take care of yourself .

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Deaf Olympic games

Since Chicago failed to win the right to host the 2016 summer olympic games , so I think that Chicago should try to host the Deaf Olympic games soon as 2016 . Why not ? Special Olympic games do not count!

But I never see Deaf Olympic games on TV , why ? Does TV networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX know that we have Deaf Olympic games ???

Please keep the Spirit of Olympic games alive.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Follow up on 2016 Summer Olympic games decision

Yesterday afternoon I found out that IOC granted Rio de Janeiro known as Rio the right to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games , how sad for us Americans ! I hoped that Chicago would host that 2016 Games . Oh well, I hope that Chicago would try again to bid for the hosting of the 2020 Summer Games . You --Chicago can do , think positive.

You fellow Summer Olympic fans ,
take care of yourself.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2016 Summer Olympics game host city bids

I understand that The IOC will make the final decision about which city will host the 2016 Games , and I hope that Chicago will host that 2016 Summer games which would benefit Chicago and the rest of the state of Illinois economically , that is for sure! I was born and raised in Illinois outside of Chicago metro area.

But I have been living in Arizona for 16 years now. Some of my deaf friends from ISD and PHI/NIU live in Chicago area . If Chicago can host that 2016 Games , I am sure my deaf friends in Chicago area would be so happy!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sedona & Grand Canyon trip, Part 4

Monday Sept 7, 2009 Labor Day

This morning my mom & I went to the McDonald's restaurant 2380 West HWY 89A in Sedona so I can take pictures of this restaurant. Why ? This McDonald's have a turquoise logo --repeat turquoise logo , only one kind in the world.

After that photo taking opportunity we left Sedona to go to home in Chandler.

On our way home we stopped at Lee's Sandwiches at Warner Road & Dobson Road in Chandler for lunch.

We finally got home before Two 'o clock (2) pm .

The End !

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sedona & Grand Canyon trip, part 3

Sunday Sept 6, 2009

Morning---My mom & I went to Tlaquepaque marketplace on HWY 179 in Sedona, then we went to the Overlook by Sedona Airport to take pictures of the world famous Red Rock Mountains and we had a lunch at Sedona Airport restaurant.

This Sedona Airport restaurant is on-site at Sedona Airport and that restaurant serve an unique Southwest food --fried cactus , yes desert plant cactus. Fried cactus was good to eat , MMM!

Afternoon---I went swimming & using a hot tub at Sedona Pines Resort ( where My mom & I stayed at ) for 2 hours while My mom watched TV & read her book.

Evening--We had dinner in our cottage , and we watched TV & read our books.

Sedona & Grand Canyon trip Part 2

Saturday Sept 5th , 2009

At around 8:30 am My mother & I left Sedona for Grand Canyon , it was little wet and I hoped that weather would be dry there at Grand Canyon.

Finally noontime we arrived upon Grand Canyon South Rim and we wanted to attend to the IMAX movie about the Grand Canyon itself but we did not have enough time to watch that IMAX movie. We started taking photos of Grand Canyon , and we then went to Grand Canyon's Eastern Rim . After 3 PM we left Grand Canyon , at same time thunderstorms hit that Grand Canyon. On our way back to Sedona we went through Flagstaff.

At around 6 PM we had dinner inside our Sedona Pines Resort cottage, and we read books and watched TV.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sedona & Grand Canyon trip Sept 2009

Friday Sept 4 , 2009

My mother and I left Phoenix , AZ metro area before 10 AM , and we went through Cottonwood to Sedona. Finally around 12 noon we checked into the Sedona Pines Resort a few miles south of Sedona on State Route highway 89A . We then went to Sedona to seek for a restaurant so we can get lunch and we stopped at the Red Planet diner and its theme is outer space and UFOs. It is on HWY 89A and I had a veggie cheeseburger and it was so good.

After our lunch we went shopping in Downtown Sedona .

Evening : We had dinner in our cottage and relaxing. All cottages at Sedona Pines Resort were some kind of trailer homes because that resort was a trailer home park.
Sedona Pines Resort have cable TVs, a huge swimming pool, and a hot tub.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hawaiian Vacation 2009 Day 7

Day 7 , Friday August 14, 2009

All times are Hawaiian Standard Time (HST).

At Lunchtime My mom and I went to the underground level of the Waikiki Shopping Plaza where the food court is mom got her lunch at Subway (a major sandwich shop chain) and I got my personal cheese pizza from Pizza Hut.
Afternoon--I went ocean swimming & my mom went to the rooftop swimming pool. I loves beaches and ocean swimming and You can consider me as a beach bum!

We went to Denny's for dinner and then we went over to the park by the US Army Museum to watch beautiful sunset , wow!

After sunset I went to a free hula show at the Waikiki Town Center on Kuhio Avenue and then I went visiting stores on Kuhio Avenue and Kalakaua Avenue. I went to bed at around 10:30 pm.

Good-bye to Aloha state !

Saturday August 15, 2009

Our jet plane took off at 3:30 pm for Phoenix , Arizona ...hours later at about 11:45 pm Arizona Mountain Standard Time (MST) We finally landed in Phoenix .

I myself went to bed before 2 am Arizona time.

Hawaii and Arizona are only 2 states always on standard time all year around , Hawaii (state) is always 3 hours behind Arizona.

Next time I will be in Hawaii (state) will be in January 2010 , in the island of Kauai according to my current travel plans as of August 25, 2009 tuesday.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hawaiian vacation 2009 Day 6

Day 6 Thursday August 13, 2009

All times are Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) .

At around 10:30 am our tour bus left for the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) which is one hour drive --one way from Waikiki. PCC is located in a small town called Laie , in the north part of Oahu.

At PCC we had a tour guide and his first name was Leon. Between 12 noon and 4 pm It rained and rained at PCC!

At PCC lunch and dinner are served.
At 7:30 pm " HA : Breath of Life" show at the Pacific Theatre inside the PCC began and it ended at around 9:00 pm. This show was excellent.

We got back to our condo at around 10:35 pm.

Now about Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) ... I did not understand what these staff and Leon said about the histories and cultures of the Polynesian lands such as Tahiti, Fiji, Tonga, and our own Hawaii because there were no sign language interpreters at all ! I wonder if PCC is required by Federal law , the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to provide sign language interpreters for deaf visitors ??? Good question!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hawaiian Vacation 2009 Day 5

Day 5 Wednesday August 12, 2009

All times are Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) .

My mom and I had lunch at Denny's at around 12 noon or 12:30 pm.

This afternoon I went ocean swimming and later i went to the rooftop swimming pool.

Around 5:15 pm my mom and I got our dinner at Panda Express , a gourmet chinese food restaurant at 2nd level Food Court inside the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center (RHSC) . I loves chinese food , mmm! Great restaurant for sure.
Immediately after our dinner we went to the Royal Grove which is a park-like area in the middle of this vast shopping center for a 6 pm free hula show and it was cancelled due to wet weather! GRRR! I loves to go to free hula shows !

At around 6:30 pm I decided to do something that I never did before in all my previous trips to Honolulu , Oahu ---visit a local church which is Waikiki Baptist church at 424 Kuamo'0 Street. This local church is a half-mile west of my condo, The Imperial of Waikiki. That Waikiki Baptist church have a wednesday night bible study at 7 pm. It lasts for one hour to one hour and a half-hour. But bad news to all deaf and hard of hearing people world-wide is that Waikiki Baptist church have NO sign language interpreters or separate deaf services or deaf ministry ..none at all!

It have been raining on and off all day and all night in Honolulu.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hawaiian Vacation 2009 Day 4

Day 4 Tuesday August 11, 2009

All times are Hawaiian Standard Time (HST) .

This morning I made a short video of my condo building --The Imperial of Waikiki with my Nikon coolpix digital camera , then I stopped at Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center (RHSC) 's Starbucks coffee and I had a mocha coconut frappuccino.

This morning My mom went to the condo owners's meeting in the Owners's Lounge on the 26th floor of our condo building.

Also this morning I went to a new Apple computer store inside the RHSC some other customers and I were allowed to play iphones , very cool ! I asked a saleswoman there if iphones come with data plans included in monthly charges and she said to me , yes it is included. She told me that iphones work best with gmail, Google's E-mail service. I did not buy any iphones or any Apple computers .

At noontime My mom and I went to the Subway , sandwich shop in nearby hotel for lunch.

About 2:15 pm I went back to the RHSC Starbucks coffee to have a mocha coconut frappuccino , at same time I sort of flirted a cute young asian -american woman who is a Starbucks Coffee employee there and her name is Kat and sadly she is not single , darn it ! I first saw Kat at her work yesterday morning .

Mid-afternoon I went swimming in rooftop pool on the 27th floor of our condo building .

We had dinner in our condo.

Evening--I went to the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center (RHSC) to visit some other stores and i did not buy anything else there and then I went back to my condo and I watched a movie on TV.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hawaiian Vacation 2009 Day 3

Day 3 Monday August 10, 2009

Late morning my mom and I went to the Hilo Hatties store to do some shopping. It was wet with light rain. After Hilo Hatties we went to a new store on Lewers Street , it is " Honolulu Cookie Company". This new store bakes and sells cookies with unique hawaiian flavors.

Then we went to Denny's for late lunch.

Afternoon--I watched TV and relaxing. Our condo --The Imperial of Waikiki have cable TV.

After dinner at our condo I went to take pictures of hawaiian sunset then I walked around Waikiki . Later I stopped at Borders Express bookstore on the 2nd level near the Food Court inside the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center (RHSC) and I did not buy anything there at RHSC. Then I went back to my condo.

Someone on the Hilo Hatties trolley told my mother that Hilo Hatties is going to declare bankruptcy ! How shocking ! I hope that Hilo Hatties will still open after bankruptcy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hawaiian Vacation 2009 --Day 2

Sunday August 9, 2009 Day 2

All times are Hawaii Standard Time (HST) .

After 10 am My mom and I went to a new Starbucks Coffee at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center ( RHSC) and we had an unique hawaiian beverage called " Mocha coconut frappuccino coffee " and it was very good! This Starbucks coffee location is only one Starbucks coffee store inside the entire Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center (RHSC) and it faces Lewers Street.

Later We went to the Cheesecake Factory inside the RHSC for lunch and we had an unique hawaiian food called " Hawaiian fish burgers" , and it was very delicious.

While we were there we sat next to a Japanese family --parents & 2 children , one boy and one girl. I saw a japanese mother talked to her daughter in sign language like gestures ...I thought that it was japanese sign language (JSL) .

After that great lunch at the Cheesecake Factory we went across Kalakaua Avenue to the world famous International Marketplace to do some shopping , while We were there we stopped at the Maui divers booth and my mom told me that the ladies working at this booth remembered us ! What a small world indeed.

After we were done with shopping ...My mom went to the rooftop swimming pool which is on the 27th floor of our timeshare condo building , The Imperial of Waikiki , and I went ocean swimming by the Royal Hawaiian Hotel which is a pink hotel building.

We had our dinner inside our condo, and relaxing.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hawaiian Vacation 2009 --Day one.

My Hawaiian vacation began on Saturday August 8, 2009 --Day one.

My mother and I took off from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport for Honolulu , Oahu at around 8:25 am Mountain Standard Time (MST) .
Hours later finally we landed in Honolulu, Oahu before 12 noon Hawaii Standard Time (HST) .

After we checked in at the Imperial of Waikiki at 205 Lewers Street which is a timeshare condo ( also known as vacation condo) we went to Denny's restaurant ( same address) for lunch , and I had a grilled Mahi Mahi . Mahi Mahi is a warm Pacific ocean fish only available as seafood on Hawaiian Islands ...It is not served or on sale on US Mainland.

After lunch My mom had her nap while I explored an area around the Imperial of Waikiki .

We had dinner inside our condo , then I went exploring/walking Kalakaua Avenue and Kuhio Avenue. I saw some new stores, bars, and nightclubs on both Kuhio Ave & Kalakaua Ave. Plus I noticed some changes at the Royal Hawaiian shopping center such as a new Starbucks Coffee which faces Lewers Street, and a new Apple Computer store, and a few new stores as well as old stores & restaurants still open now.

My Mom and I went to bed by 10:30 pm HST.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Photos of my Las Vegas trip part 3

MGM Grand Hotel casino.

A small version of the Statue of Liberty at New York, New York Hotel casino.

New York, New York Hotel casino.

The Excalibur Hotel casino.

New York, New York Hotel casino.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Photos of my Las Vegas trip 2009 part 2

Paul Spears below the Lion Statue at MGM Grand Hotel. The Lion Statue at the MGM Grand Hotel.

A live lion in cage at MGM Grand hotel.

Paul Spears at Treasure Island Hotel.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Photos of my Las Vegas trip July 2009

Treasure Island hotel casino

Fancy Las Vegas hotels

My mom in Las Vegas

My mom in Lobby of Grandview Resorts Registration building.

Grandview Resorts pool area in Las Vegas.

Grandview Resorts pool area in Las Vegas.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Las Vegas trip part 4

July 4th saturday night finally I got back at the Grandview Resorts, and I watched four (4) separate fireworks displays at the same time from the swimming pool area , awesome displays indeed! After these great fireworks displays I went swimming for about 15 minutes.

Sunday July 5th
On the way home to the Greater Phoenix area I stopped at Panda Express, a chinese restaurant in Kingman, AZ for an early lunch . I loves chinese food.
The US 93 highway between Kingman and Wickenburg is about 107 miles long , yes 107 miles long. This stretch of US 93 is the most boring highway I ever travelled on !

Finally I got home safety at around 3:30 pm. Whew !

I gonna start planning next trip to Las Vegas next year 2010 !

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Las Vegas part 3

Last Saturday July 4th , in afternoon I took some pictures of the Strip, done some gambling --slots, then had dinner at the Grand Buffet inside MGM Grand casino hotel. Later that evening little more gambling--slots at MGM Grand. During that July 4th afternoon I done some shopping at Fashion Show Mall on the Las Vegas Strip , Starbucks Coffee inside that mall then did stop at ABC Stores where Hawaiian coffee is being sold there and i also shopped at Borders Express.

My original plan for July 4th saturday night 2009 was to attend to a major theatrical event called, " Cirque Du Soleil" held at the KA theater inside the huge MGM Grand complex. MGM Grand hotel is one of the largest hotels in the world in the number of hotel rooms!!! WOW ! But that original plan was collapsed due to the fact that "Cirque Du Soleil" show on July 4th saturday night was already sold out ! Darn it ! Last year , July 2008 in my first trip to Las Vegas ever in my life I went to see that " Cirque Du Soleil" at MGM Grand and I loved it ! Awesome !
To be continued to Part 4 , so please stay tuned. Thanks

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Las Vegas trip part 2

Tourists do not have to walk around the Strip , as in Las Vegas Strip in hot weather because you can ride on air-conditioned Monorail but it is not free. A one-time ticket costs 5.00 per person, cheaper than taxicabs.

Last friday night July 3rd I wanted to swim in one of pools at the Grandview Resorts which is a vacation condos (also called Timeshare condos) but my plan to swim that same night was ruined by a stupid thunderstorm!

Next day Saturday 4th I took few pictures of the Grandview Resorts. Then I had a light lunch with a representative from Grandview Resorts. To be continued to part 3 .

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My trip to Las Vegas

It was my 2nd time in Las Vegas and I stayed at Grandview Resorts which is on South Las Vegas Blvd also called , "The Strip" . I wonder why there never been a casino on site at any timeshare resort anywhere in Las Vegas ? I was there in Las Vegas this past July 4th holiday weekend.

My favorite casinos are: MGM Grand, Treasure Island (TI) . I like slot machines but I want to learn how to play video poker slots, blackjack , and blackjack slots.

I know that there was a Deaf Seniors conference in Las Vegas last week but I am little young to attend to this conference.

I already think about going to Las Vegas for 3rd time next year.

Paul Spears

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Deaf schools closed forever ???

According to National Association of the Deaf (NAD) website ... It says that Illinois School for the Deaf (ISD) might be closed forever repeat closed forever due to state budget problems. That ISD is owned and run by the State of Illinois. I graduated from that deaf school ISD (high school) in 1980, 29 years ago. I want my old school ISD to stay open for many years in future.

For more information on the possible closure of Illinois School for the Deaf (ISD) please go to National Association of the Deaf (NAD) website

Please keep deaf schools open for the sake of deaf children and the deaf community in our country. Let's start a new movement, " Save the deaf schools".

Thanks ,

Paul Spears

You can follow me at

Sunday, June 21, 2009

President Obama's response to Iran crisis.

I believe that President Obama is too soft on Iran's government , shame on President Obama !
He should be more tough on Iranian government and North Korea for the sake of free world!

We cannot let our America to be weak on evil governments such as North Korea and Iranian government! If President Obama cannot get tough on these evil governments then he should quit being President of the USA !

Let 's pray that Iran becomes a free country again soon, Amen !

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

United Methodist Congress of the Deaf (UMCD)

Hello you deaf/HH United Methodist church members ,

It is official now that I am a new Vice-President of United Methodist Congress of the Deaf (UMCD) --Western Jurisdiction(WJ) , and there are 2 new officers of that WJ ....Rev. Diana Williams --President and Michele Beaudry --Secretary/Treasurer.

Rev. Diana Williams is an associate pastor of deaf ministries at St. Matthew United Methodist church in Mesa, AZ.

All of us --Rev. Diana Williams , Michele Beaudry and I are members of that St. Matthew UM church.

You can follow me at

Monday, June 8, 2009


This afternoon after work I went to Darling Nails for a pedicure, and I really like that Darling Nails. Holly , a cute young Asian-American woman gave me a pedicure. I wonder if she is single and free.

That Darling Nails is located at Mervyns' shopping center at Alma School Rd & Elliot Rd in Chandler , AZ.

Next time I has a pedicure there at Darling Nails will be in August , 2 months from now. Should i have a pedicure every nonth ? Please let me know asap. Thanks .

Please remember that you can follow me at
Paul Spears

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wow! is very cool on the Web this year and I loves !
I believe that I am one of first deaf/hard of hearing people in the world ever to use All right now If you want to know more about itself and then you need to go there and it is free to join

Yes , You can follow me at

Happy twiitering !

Friday, May 29, 2009

North Korea's threat to World peace

North Korea still launch more missiles and it decide to go ahead with its nuclear weapon program , so could North Korea a part of " King of the East " which will be the political and military alliance of Far East Asia described in Holy Bible ??? Is North Korea included in bible prophecy ? Will Red China annex North Korea as its new province ? Who Knows ???

A big question here is ....will North Korea or Red China attack United States with its long range ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads ??? I hope not.

Let's pray for world peace now ...Amen !

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Make Money Fast - wikiHow

Make Money Fast - wikiHow

Israeli prime minister 's visit to the USA

I am glad that President Obama welcomed Israeli Prime Minister to the White House. It is a good move for the US--Israel relations. I understand that they support the creation of a separate palestinean state ,but is it necessary to create a nation like that ??? I does not think so and palestinian people should learn to live in peace!

Palestinian people should move to Egypt or Syria or Jordan, why should they continue to live in Israel ??? They should leave all jews alone !!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

online business opportunities

I have been doing my own research into online business opportunties and most of them are scams which make me nuts. It wastes my time and money. Is there a government agency either on federal or state level which weeds out these kinds of scams similiar to "Consumer Reports" magazine which tells which consumer products are good and which of them are lemons ???

Please let me know , Is it a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ??? or another agency ? I need to find some honest, real good online business opportunties , best examples are :, Barnes and Nobles, BestBuy get idea ?

I really need to make some money on the Web asap , I am serious about that !


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Update on Swine flu

I realize that swine flu cannot spread through pork products such as bacon, ham,etc. There are already some confirmed cases of swine flu here in Arizona. So far I never get sick with swine flu as of tonight. There is a talk of swine flu vaccine now which begs a question ...will that vaccine work ? Only time will tell.

Today is the national day of prayer ... So let's pray that swine flu get contained or even cured as soon as possible, Amen ?

Let's pray you all are healthy now , amen .

Monday, April 27, 2009

Concerns about Swine Flu

Is our Federal Government doing all it can to cope with Swine Flu ?? I wonder about that. So far as of 6 pm Arizona time there is no confirmed cases of Swine Flu here in Arizona I hope that Arizona Government will do better job handling that public health crisis better than Washington ! It is rumored that Swine flu can spread through pork products such as bacon, ham and pork chops , true ??? I don't know about it whether it is true ??? But thank God Almighty that I quit eating these pork products years ago for sake of my long term health ! I am not a jew or a muslim . I am a protestant christian . Let's pray that public health crisis will be over by July 4th Independence Day for the sake of our nation's future and even our national security! Amen ? Yes , Amen !

Have a healthy future .

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

update on Tagdeaf , deaf social networking sites

Hello all deafs and HoH people ,

I hope that you already know about which is a deaf/HoH social networking site on Web . I already created a group inside Tagdeaf which is for Illinois School for the deaf high school graduates called , " ISD Tigers Alumnis" . I graduated from that ISD in May 1980. Come on join It is open and free for deafs and HoH people from all over the World ! Now about my profile on Tagdeaf ...please visit my profile at

All you deafs and HoH people please join Tagdeaf and it is free! So please spread the word about Tagdeaf to other deaf and HoH people all over the world as soon as possible . Thanks

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Deaf social network sites

Hello everyone !

A week or so ago I joined the only known social network site on the Web designed for the Deaf and Hard of hearing people around the world and It is called ," Tagdeaf " . Its web address is : It is free to join , no membership fees ! It has groups there and you can post your photos and profiles , again it is free. You can try to find my profile on Tagdeaf. If you are deaf or hard of hearing then I strongly recommend that you join Tagdeaf as soon as possible. I myself do not join FaceBook or Myspace yet but I will join FaceBook sometime this Spring 2009.

Have a fun networking with other deaf/hard of hearing people all over the World !

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Online dating services and online dating scams.

To every single man who participate in Yahoo ! Personals ...I must warn you that there is a young woman named Kelly Annis who claim to be born and raised in Australia better known as "down under " . Please stay away from her because she is running that online dating scam . She is bad news and trouble. Forget that loser and be careful out there because there are other online dating scams . I still participate in that Yahoo! personals now. I also participate in two (2) other online dating services such as "" and " Deaf Singles" -- I am in my 40's and i need a wife and I hope that i will meet my future wife through one of 3 online dating services soon. So wish me good luck in my search for a wife. To hearing women who may read my blog here should know that I am deaf man and i have been deaf since i was a little boy. Have a great day !

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wendy's new fish fillet sandwiches

Yesterday (Sat March 7th ) at around 1:00 pm MST I tried a new sandwich served at Wendy's Old fashioned hamburgers and it is called " Fish Fillet Sandwich" . I had a sandwich combo which comes with french fries and soda pop . I really like that new fish fillet sandwich because it tastes beter than Burger King 's so called fish fillet sandwich. I hope that Wendy's old-fashioned hamburgers chain will still serve that new fish fillet sandwiches forever.

Top executives at Wendy's old-fashioned hamburgers headquarters better read this very post asap and I hope so they will actually read it. Yes , I will eat these fish fillet sandwiches again at Wendy's old-fashioned hamburgers.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March against Sheriff Joe Arpaio

I think that the marches and demonstrations against Sheriff Arpaio are good ideas and it shows that democracy can still work in USA . Sheriff Arpaio should leave all hispanic people alone and he should be impeached by the County Board of Supervisors as soon as possible ! What do you think about that Sheriff Arpaio ?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Aloha Kitchen restaurant

Today at 12 noon MST my dinner group from my church --St. Matthew United Methodist Church in Mesa , Arizona met at Aloha Kitchen restaurant also in Mesa for our monthly meeting . We --dinner group has monthly meetings at various restaurants all over East Valley area and Phoenix. There were 11 adults (10 and me ) at today's meeting and I was only one deaf person at this same meeting. I had a fish sandwich and french fries and diet coke, it was good . Food and service were great there today.

About Aloha Kitchen restaurant...It serves Japanese, Hawaiian , Chinese, and Korean food and No booze there. Business hours : tuesday-thursday 11:00am to 8:00pm, friday and saturday 11:00am to 9:00pm, Sundays 11:00am to 5:00pm . Closed on Mondays. Business phone: (480) 897-2451 It is located at 2950 S. Alma School Road ( just south of Guadalupe Road) Mesa, Arizona and it is next to Nello's Pizza. Come on and eat there at Aloha Kitchen restaurant soon.

Federal Stimulus Law

Now that Federal stimulus package is a reality and 2 questions are : Will that federal stimulus package work well on the national level ? Will every state in the Union benefit from that huge economic package ? Only time will tell !

Monday, February 16, 2009

Federal stimulus bill

I hope that stimulus bill will benefit our national economy this year , It better live up to its name. I pray that our president Barack Obama will sign that bill into a law tomorrow . I think that the govornor of my home state -Arizona should do more to improve state-wide economy as soon as possible.